Should I Overclock My GPU? Is It Worth It?

Overclocking your GPU can be a great way to save money and get every bit of power you need from your hardware. When it comes to the process of overclocking your GPU there are some pros as well as some cons to be considered. With most gaming GPUs capable of overclocking you can see some real benefits in increased frames per second and greater texture resolutions. While this is all great, you do run into thermal issues as well as increased wear on your hardware.
What is GPU Overclocking?
So what is overclocking and why is it so popular? Overclocking is the term used to describe pushing processors and GPUs past their intended limit to increase performance. Processors and GPUs are measured in Gigahertz or GHz, when overclocking your GPU it is common to see anywhere between 10% - 20% in increased Ghz. With this increased performance your GPU is able to compute data sets at a faster rate, so depending on the game you are playing you get faster frame rate or will be able to enable higher graphics settings and still achieve an acceptable frame rate.
Pros & Cons of Overclocking Your GPU
The primary benefit of overclocking your GPU is the increased speed, providing you with a more enjoyable gaming experience.
Virtual Reality is becoming more popular as time goes on, and by Overlocking your current GPU you could run VR on a less powerful system. Cons of overclocking are directly related to the increased power draw. Increased heat on the GPU chip can lead to a shortened lifespan of the GPU if not properly cooled. In addition to the heat issue, your power supply may be strained depending on the wattage drawn from the Graphics card, which could lead to overheating from your power supply.
Advantages of GPU Overclocking
The key advantage to overclocking your GPU is the faster speed and performance when gaming. Alongside the increased speed, you can also consider the previously untapped performance as extra longevity added to your card. You can game at a higher frame rate than previously before, now you can avoid having to buy that new GPU just to have an immersive experience. Aside from gaming, overclocking the GPU also boosts performance for apps such as Twitch Streaming, Video & photo editing, and even architecture and CAD.
FPS Increase
Depending on the amount of overclocking you are able to achieve on your GPU, you will see an increase in FPS anywhere between 5%- 15% . While a small jump in frame may not seem significant, it can have a huge impact on the gameplay and immersive experience when gaming. If you are a competitive gamer, overclocking your GPU can give you a greater edge over your competitors.
Improved Graphics
Visual fidelity also benefits greatly from overclocking your GPU. With faster processing means the ability to fetch data sooner, meaning you can run your games at higher to maximum graphics settings and still have great performance. With games getting more and more hi-resolution, being able to overclock your GPU means you can run immersive games for many years to come.
Potential Cost Savings
Graphics cards can oftentimes be the single most expensive component when it comes to building a gaming computer. By overclocking your GPU not only do you get a better gaming experience than before, but you can hold off on purchasing a new GPU until necessary. Overclocking can breathe new life into your GPU, and can help save you money in the long term compared to upgrading every time a new GPU is released.
Disadvantages of GPU Overclocking
The disadvantages of overclocking your GPU relate to the amount of power it requires. Overclocking to a higher extent can result in damaging the hardware component and therefore reducing the lifespan of your computer. The increased clock speed also draws more power from the PSU and releases more heat. If you want to overclock without damaging your hardware, we recommend adding the Apex Extreme Overclocking service when customizing your Apex Gaming PC.
Potential Reduced Lifespan
Overclocking your GPU can cause more damage to your hardware, therefore, reducing the lifespan of your computer. By pushing the GPU past its limits, it requires your PC to draw more power and overheat. If you are not experienced with overclocking you may reduce the lifespan of your PC.
Increased Power Consumption
With increased performance comes increased power consumption. Overclocking a GPU takes an average of 50 to 100 additional wattage. With all of this additional power being drawn from the power supply unit, it is important you have a PSU that provides enough wattage and then some to avoid blowing up your power supply.
Increased Temperatures
Increased power draw on your GPU leads to an increase in temperatures of your graphics card. While some GPUs come with heat management software, it’s important you take every precaution to keep your GPU from overheating. One such way is utilizing 3rd party heatsinks, or water cooling systems to keep your hardware cool and safe.
Is GPU Overclocking Worth It?
It's important to understand what your specific gaming needs are before you decide if overclocking is the right choice for you.GPU overclocking can be a great way to increase your gaming experience and improve immersiveness at a reduced price. GPU overclocking has some amazing benefits but it does come with its disadvantages such as overheating and power consumption that can damage your hardware. It’s important to keep in mind overclocking requires a lot of power and can result in hardware damage if it is not done by a professional. Always take into consideration the benefits and risks when overclocking your GPU.If you want an overclocked GPU but don’t want to risk causing damage to your hardware, you can customize your Apex Gaming PC and request the Apex Extreme Overclocking under services when you check out!
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